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Tankless Hot Water Heater

New Water Heaters Make a Perfect Gift for the Holidays

Investing in new water heater installation this winter can increase the home's value and save the homeowner both time and money. This is a practical gift for homeowners that will continue to give for years to come.

New water heaters are safer and have longer-lasting performance than the older models. Water heater replacement can save homeowners a ton on their energy bill and reduce the time spent on water heater repair and maintenance.

Warning Signs of a Broken Water Heater

Homeowners should pay attention to red flags of a broken water heater, such as water leaking out, loud noises coming from the tank, or a spike in utility bills. The kind of noise the water heater makes could indicate what is wrong. For example, a hissing noise is a good indicator of a leak, and a screeching noise could mean a malfunctioning heating element.

One can repair some water heater malfunctions early on to prevent a total system malfunction. Paying attention to warning signs of a broken water heater can save the homeowner money down the line in unnecessary repairs.

When Is It Time to Replace a Water Heater

Water heaters usually last for around ten years. After 5-6 years, the homeowner may notice an increase in the frequency of repairs. At a certain point, the cost of keeping up with repairs outweighs the cost of installing a new water heater.

Cleaning sediment deposits from the water tank can prevent sediment build-up from damaging the water heater. There are also valves within most water heaters that need replacement every once in a while as frequent use wears them out. These simple repairs can go a long way in improving the water heater's longevity.

The high temperatures within water heaters make ignoring malfunctions and broken parts dangerous. Contacting a water heater company for water heater service is advised as soon as the problem is noticed.

Benefits of a New Water Heater

The new water heaters on the market are more eco-friendly, safe, and long-lasting. Many homeowners are switching to modern tankless water heaters because they waste zero energy in the production of hot water for the home. Installing a new water heater can give the home more hot water for bathing and cleaning.

Other benefits of installing a new water heater include making the home more eco-friendly. New water heaters will produce fewer carbon emissions by improving energy efficiency.

Another big benefit of new water heater installation is that new models are safer than their outdated counterparts. As modern technology advances, companies can make their water heaters safer and more eco-friendly than ever before.

About Allens Plumbing

Allens Plumbing is proud to serve Kahului/Maui, HI with comprehensive plumbing services from experienced plumbers. This local plumbing company has been serving Maui, Oahu, and the surrounding communities since 1982. Give them a call today to schedule water heater service!