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How Do You Know If It’s Low Water Pressure?

Many people don’t know they are showering with low water pressure. They may assume it has something to do with the physical nozzle or showerhead. They may also assume it only happens in their bathroom.

Poor water pressure can occur in any location. It may cause tenants to shower longer, feel less refreshed, and experience tension when it affects the shower. In 2022, one can avoid this problem.

Low water pressure in the shower can come and go depending on the household. If the washing machine is used or the dishwasher is on, this can impact the shower pressure. Typically this looks like a trickle or a thin stream of water rather than a powerful spray.

An Overview of Bathroom Plumbing

The bathroom is used for more than just showering. Toilets and sinks also use a significant amount of water and can play a role in water pressure.

Common bathroom fixtures, including bathtubs, channel drains, bidets, sinks, urinals, and faucets, are interconnected by the water supply. Even fixtures outside the bathroom, such as washing machines and drinking fountains, can use the same overall system. If one fixture is clogged, this can lead to a backup causing the entire pipe to malfunction.

The main water supply line is usually located in the basement. To access a bathroom’s water supply pipe, this shutoff valve near the house will need to be shut off. This is because all bathroom fixtures drain into the same water supply.

Invisible Leaks

Hidden leaks may be to blame for low shower pressure. Leaking water can reduce the water pressure by impacting the entire system. This can occur from hidden cracks originally formed from high-pressure water. Poorly constructed showerheads can also cause leaks.

When water escapes from these cracks, less water reaches the showerhead. Other drain fixtures can also be affected. Multiple leaks are not uncommon in different parts of the house. If a water line is causing any type of leak, this is a problem only a trained plumber can fix.

Trained plumbers can reduce poor water pressure by installing what is known as a water softener. This method works well when minerals are the cause of a leak. “Hard water” contains minerals, calcium, and magnesium to form inside the pipes over time. This can damage pipes if it is not treated.

What About the Showerhead?

Hard water can also negatively impact showerheads. When minerals build up over time, the showerhead is prevented from distributing all the water available. Low shower pressure that comes from a dirty showerhead is easy to fix.

Descaling a showerhead requires a few household items. White vinegar, an old toothbrush, and a few ziplock bags are necessary. First, a gallon bag is filled with vinegar until it is approximately a quarter full. Then the showerhead is placed into the bag.

This concoction can sit overnight for maximum results. Since vinegar is a natural cleaning agent, this is one way to avoid using cleaning chemicals that can harm the skin. Once the showerhead is removed from the bag, one can scrape off any extra minerals with a toothbrush.

About Allens Plumbing

Since 1982 Allens Plumbing has served the community of Oahu. They use advanced technology for video inspections and trenchless equipment to help restore sewers and household drains. For a no-mess plumbing service in Aiea/Oahu, HI, call Allens Plumbing today.