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Through Showers and Flowers, Prioritize Pipe Maintenance!


When most people think of plumbing, they tend to think of the parts of their plumbing system they can see (like their toilet, shower or tub, sink, etc.), or they at least think of the pipes that lead to those appliances.

What is often forgotten about is the part of your plumbing system that is outside your home, in your yard. During this time of year, when those famous April showers are coming to bring May flowers, it’s important to consider the kind of effect rain can have on your outdoor plumbing.

To begin with, rain can collect in your yard and cause your pipes to rust prematurely. Read on to learn about other issues that can be caused by heavy rainfall this season, and how you can avoid dealing with plumbing issues just by scheduling regular plumbing inspections.

Avoid Leaks Caused by Broken Pipes

brokenpipeOne common plumbing problem people face is a leak in one of their pipes. Sometimes, however, the problem is more than a small leak. When heavy rains come, they can saturate the earth around your underground pipes, causing it to shift, which can lead to your pipes collapsing.

Even if the pipe doesn't collapse, the shift in the earth can increase the pressure in your pipes, causing them to burst. Either way, you could be left with a broken pipe and a massive slab leak that ma go undetected until it’s cost you hundreds of extra dollars on your water bill.

Is Your Sewer System in Danger of Backing Up?

sewersystemAnother serious plumbing problem you may find yourself facing because of heavy rains is a sewage backup. What does rain have to do with your sewer pipes?

WELL, there is only so much water that your pipes can hold, so if it rains excessively, your pipes may become over-full, causing them to back up. This could lead to a flood of contaminated water in your home, which can bring with it bacteria and other health hazards.

Aside from the health risks associated with having raw sewage flood your home, there is also the matter of the cleanup cost to consider! A flood repair service can cost you as much as several hundred dollars!

Have Your Pipes Inspected Before It’s Too Late!

plumbinginspectionOne easy way that you can avoid all of the problems mentioned above with your outdoor plumbing is to have your plumbing inspected by a professional plumbing contractor.

Plumbing inspections can alert you of any weaknesses in your pipes that might make them more susceptible to collapsing or breaking. A thorough inspection can also identify if there is a problem with the draining of your sewer pipes that might cause them to flood and cause a big plumbing emergency.

Don’t let the springtime rains negatively impact your outdoor plumbing! The experts at Allens Plumbing are here to help you keep your plumbing in order amid the April showers and flowers this year!

Give us a call today at (808) 877-6370 to speak with a contractor near you about plumbing inspection, and comment below with a story about dealing with the heavy rains in Maui!