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3 Tips For Avoiding a Presidential Clog


Another Presidents Day has come and gone, and who doesn't love a three day weekend?! Holiday weekends like this one often include spending some time with friends or loved ones, maybe even a cookout!

While a holiday weekend can be a lot of fun and honoring the former leaders of our country is essential, Some of your Presidents Day festivities may leave you with a messy house and a plumbing disaster.

Not to worry, though, Allen's Plumbing has compiled a few tips that will help you keep your plumbing in order throughout the long weekend and beyond.

1. Remember That Some Things Don’t Belong in Your Drains

clogpreventionNo one wants to end their long weekend dealing with a clogged drain. Make sure that you keep an eye on what is being disposed of in your kitchen sink, amidst all of the cooking and washing that goes on during your Presidents Day barbecue.

If you don’t have a garbage disposal, you really shouldn’t be putting anything other than water down your drain, but more on that in a bit.

Fats, like grease and cooking oil, should never be disposed of in the sink, whether or not you have a garbage disposal. Even if you run hot water down the drain after pouring cooking grease in it, that water will eventually stop, allowing the grease cool and harden, causing a clog.

2. Stick to Proper Food Disposal

fooddisposalNow back to that bit about garbage disposals. Garbage disposals are a great investment for every kitchen sink because help you to dispose of food quickly and cleanly, without having to worry about your drains clogging.

That's right! No worries, just enjoying the long weekend with your family and friends. While garbage disposals make it easy to dispose of most foods in your sink, not all food can be put through a disposal.

Rice, for example, as well as fibrous vegetables and coffee grounds, have been known to cause damage to garbage disposals.

3. Regularly Schedule Professional Drain Cleanings

daincleaningFinally, perhaps the most important tip for clog prevention is to schedule drain cleanings with a trusted plumber at least once or twice a year.

Regular and timely drain cleanings can help to reduce odors from your drains, get rid of stubborn clogs and help your sink drain empty faster, and lower your risk of encountering plumbing emergencies.

It's also beneficial to have a professional plumber look at your pipes occasionally because it can give them a chance to spot potential issues before they become significant problems. At Allen's Plumbing, we want you to be able to enjoy the long holiday weekend with your family without having to worry about clogged drains.

That's why sharing our best clog prevention tips with you is important to us. Remember that there are some things, like grease and fats that should never be put in your drains. Install a garbage disposal in your kitchen sink and stick to the rules of proper food disposal.

Most importantly, schedule professional drain cleanings every 6 months. If you learned something new about preventing clogged drains today, then share this article with your friends to help them better enjoy their long weekend too!